Psalm 24:1 (KJV)
The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
From The Pastor's DESK
From The "War Room"
This is my first edition of what we will call “From The War Room”. I intend for this to be a series of short messages of instructions and information for the edification of the Body of Christ, The Church. We as members of this astonishing body of believers should be rejoicing for the privilege to be connected with this eternal body of believers.
The song, ‘This Means War” by Charles Jenkins and the movie “War Room” has been tools that have shaken our consciences to an awareness that we cannot be victorious by just sitting in our comfort zones. We must become more aggressive and fight a “good fight” as Apostle Paul told Timothy to do. Our enemy is not at sleep, nor is he laying back in silence but he is on his job. The enemy is always trying to take something away from you. It maybe your health, joy, peace, finances and much more.
The Bible says that our enemy, the thief came to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:…. But Jesus came that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly—John 10:10. To have this life more abundantly, we must fight for it. Fighting is not an easy task. There must be a change of mind and of heart. We must have extensive training if we are going to be victorious. The Bible must be our war manual and Jesus our General.
My question today for you is: are you ready for War? Have you made any preparation for War? If not, then you can receive Jesus as your Saviour right now. Just ask Him to forgive you of your sins; believe that He has done it. Now confess that you are saved. By/ R.B. Mott
P.O. Box 255
Newton Grove, NC 28366
Located: 8055 Hwy 701N