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Small Chapel Church
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Basic Beliefs
Small Chapel Basic Church Beliefs

1.  We believe in salvation from sin and from sinning.
2.  We believe in sanctification.
3.  We believe in the Pentecostal baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of
     speaking in  tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance.
4.  One living true God.
5.  Pre-millennial second coming of Christ.
6.  Justified by faith alone.
7.  Divine healing, fasting, etc.
8. Tithing and offering.  
9. Holy Communion and  Washing of saints feet.
10.  We believe in baptism by immersion into water.
11. We believe in the Resurrection, the Great Tribulation period, final Judgment
      and The New Heaven and New Earth.



    P.O. Box 255
    Newton Grove, NC 28366
    Located: 8055 Hwy 701N