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Until Death
Until Death
By/ R.B. Mott
"You now take this woman to be you lawful wedded wife.  Do you solemnly promise, before God and these witnesses, that you will love, honor, and cherish her; and that, forsaking all others for her alone, you will faithfully perform to her all the duties which a husband owes to a wife so long as you both shall live?  Will you love cherish, honor, and obey him cleaving only and ever unto him, until God by death shall separate you?"
"Do you promise to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others keep thee only unto her so long as you both shall live?"
These should be some statements of familiarity to many of us.  Most of the time when these phrases are made they are more than just mere words or statements; they become vows, covenants, agreements, etc.  They should become a part of our life, our living, and our thinking.  Many seem to think that they are just words of no significance, but when these words are spoken between two individuals in accordance with the guidelines of the Bible, they become covenants, and vows of the parties, which is also honored by God.  Whether or not we hold fast to our vows God holds us accountable.
When we speak of the word 'vow', we should understand that we are speaking of a solemn promise or a voluntary pledge to fulfill an agreement.  Throughout the Bible vows (voluntary promises to God) were made.  In Genesis 28:20-22 we find a vow made; not necessary a covenant; but a vow.  We will talk later concerning the word "covenant".

"To be Continued"


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    Newton Grove, NC 28366
    Located: 8055 Hwy 701N